Resource allocation among arctic char in closed arctic lakes: |
Phaedra Budy |
Site Science |
08/09/12 |
196 |
Resilience of Pacific Staghorn Coral is governed by a fish |
Russell Schmitt |
Site Science |
08/13/12 |
205 |
Remotely sensed giant kelp canopy biomass patterns over its dominant range in the NE Pacific |
Thomas Bell |
Site Science |
08/15/12 |
216 |
Remote sensing of canopy nitrogen as a window to the functioning of ecosystems |
Scott Ollinger |
Cross-site Science |
08/31/12 |
343 |
Regional Consequences of Changing Climate-Disturbance Interactions for the Resilience of Alaska's Boreal Forest |
Roger Ruess |
Site Science |
08/31/12 |
337 |
Recreational Perspectives of Nonnative Fish Species and Mercury Advisors |
Christopher Edwards |
Cross-site Science |
07/30/12 |
98 |
Recovery from chronic and snowmelt acidification at Hubbard Brook: Long-term trends in stream and soil water chemistry |
Colin Fuss |
Site Science |
07/27/12 |
89 |
Recent range shifts and the role of sexual signals in premating isolation of sympatric Calopteryx damselflies |
Idelle Cooper |
Site Science |
08/27/12 |
280 |
Re-defining Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) for Complex Terrain: A Case Study from the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest |
Fox Peterson |
Site Science |
07/11/12 |
35 |
Quantifying the physiology of structurally complex arctic vegetation and implications for ecosystem function in a shrubbier tundra |
Adam Formica |
Site Science |
08/31/12 |
358 |
Putting the “long term” in the LTERs: History in and of the LTER network |
Anita Guerrini |
Other |
Cross-site Science |
08/28/12 |
301 |
Providing a Pedological Basis for Ecological Experiments |
Shawn Salley |
Site Science |
07/30/12 |
100 |
Projecting Lake-Level Rise from Airborne LiDAR and Climate Models in Taylor Valley, Antarctica |
Maciek Obryk |
Site Science |
08/13/12 |
202 |
Professional Development for K-12 Teachers at Harvard Forest LTER |
Katherine Bennett |
Site Science |
07/16/12 |
44 |
Predator: prey size relationships of marine zooplankton: Testing the 10:1 hypothesis with stable isotopes |
Michael Landry |
Site Science |
09/06/12 |
395 |
Potential Roles of Gypsophilic fungal endophytes at the Sevilleta LTER |
Terri Tobias |
Site Science |
08/31/12 |
351 |
Post-clearcut dynamics of carbon, water and energy exchanges in a mid-latitude, temperate forest environment |
mvanderhoof |
Site Science |
07/26/12 |
78 |
Population, Community, and Metacommunity Dynamics of Terrestrial Gastropods in the Luquillo Mountains: A Gradient Perspective |
Michael Willig |
Site Science |
08/14/12 |
210 |
Population dynamics of reintroduced Gunnison’s prairie dogs in a semi-arid grassland environment |
Mike Friggens |
Site Science |
08/31/12 |
342 |
Plum Island Ecosystems LTER |
Anne Giblin |
Site Description |
08/25/12 |
270 |