Riparian Nitrogen Dynamics in Tropical Forest Groundwaters: A Challenge to Our Understanding of Near-Stream Ecosystem Function
Poster Number: 402 Presenter/Primary Author: Richard Brereton Riparian zones are widely understood to control the flux of water, nutrients, and carbon from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems.
Forest metacommunity structure along an elevational gradient in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico (LUQ)
Poster Number: 394 Presenter/Primary Author: Jess Zimmerman Metacommunity theory provides a rich framework for identifying structure along environmental gradients and for evaluating the relative contributions of local and regional processes in molding biolo
Iron redox cycling: unexplored mechanisms for soil organic matter decomposition
Poster Number: 341 Presenter/Primary Author: Whendee Silver Iron (Fe) oxide minerals have long been known to protect soil organic carbon (C) from microbial decomposition, especially in humid tropical soils abundant in both Fe and C.
Distribution of Ammonia-Oxidazing Archaea along the Elevation Gradient at El Yunque Rain Forest in Puerto Rico
Poster Number: 273 Presenter/Primary Author: Sharon Cantrell Archaea has a key role in ammonia oxidation reactions.
Earthworms effects on soil respiration in a sub-tropical wet forest in Puerto Rico
Poster Number: 254 Presenter/Primary Author: Grizelle Gonzalez Carbon storage, as well as other ecosystem services of soils, is an emergent property on the landscape scale that can be attributed to mechanisms occurring on scales orders of magnitude smaller.