Colorado mountains

Site Science

Elevational and Seasonal Dependence in Climate Change Within a Mid-latitude High Mountain System, Colorado Front Range, USA

Poster Number:  151 Presenter/Primary Author:  Jennifer Morse We contrasted 59-year (1952-2010) climate records of two high-elevation sites in the Colorado Rocky Mountains Front Range, USA; one a subalpine forest (3021 m asl) and the other high alpine tundra

Dissolved organic matter and sea ice dynamics may explain changes in microbial community structure along the western Antarctic Peninsula

Poster Number:  150 Presenter/Primary Author:  Catherine M. Luria The western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) experiences extreme seasonal changes in sea-ice and light, with intense phytoplankton blooms in spring and summer.

Toward modeling the role of ecomorphodynamics in barrier island response to climate change

Poster Number:  149 Presenter/Primary Author:  Orencio Duran Vinent In barrier islands, coastal dune morphology is the most important factor determining the vulnerability to storm impacts,

Effects of environmental spatial variation in structuring ammonia-oxidizing microbial communities in arid grassland

Poster Number:  144 Presenter/Primary Author:  Paul Brewer The enormous biodiversity of soil microbial communities is likely caused, in part, by a similar diversity of soil microhabitats.  Understanding how the environmental properties that create div

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER