Colorado mountains

Site Science

Hydrologic flowpaths and biogeochemical cycles in the subalpine Como Creek catchment, Colorado Front Range, USA

Poster Number:  161 Presenter/Primary Author:  Rory Cowie An outstanding question for snowmelt-dominated watersheds of the western US are the responses of biogeochemical processes to two major drivers of environmental change: directional changes in climat

Phenology of belowground carbon allocation in a mid-latitude forest

Poster Number:  160 Presenter/Primary Author:  Rose Abramoff Annual forest productivity and carbon storage are affected by the amount and timing of carbon allocated belowground. Despite clear relationships between some climate factors (e.g.

Unique traits of an ultra low-diversity bacterial and fungal high-elevation (> 6000 m) cold desert mineral soil community

Poster Number:  159 Presenter/Primary Author:  Ryan Lynch High-elevation, plant and glacier free soils rank among the most physiochemically extreme and oligotrophic terrestrial environments.  The mountain topogr

ScienceLIVE: Providing innovative connections between LTER research and the public

Poster Number:  158 Presenter/Primary Author:  Liesl Erb ScienceLIVE is a unique, web-based outreach tool used to connect active research, K-12 students, and the general public.

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER