Colorado mountains

Invertebrate Biology

The role of corallum morphology in mediating the response of the coral Porites rus to ocean acidification

Poster Number:  175 Presenter/Primary Author:  Beth Lenz Evaluating the response of corals to ocean acidification (OA) is crucial to understanding how coral reefs will change at low pH, yet the factors affecting coral susceptibility to OA remain unknown.

Phenology across LTER sites and trophic levels

Working Group Reports Final reports:  ASM 2012 Phenology and Climate Change Working Group Report Participant list:  LTER ASM 2012_Phenology Working groupparticipants.pdf Phenology is key research in understanding how climate influences life history events and climate change is and will be impacting ecosystems. Session:  Working Group Session 7 - Thursday Room Assignment:  Longs Peak - Keyhole (60)

Long-term population dynamics of exotic species: a cross-site multi-species investigation

Working Group Reports Final reports:  Working group report.docx Participant list:  Participant list.docx The population dynamics of introduced species may dictate trends in those species' impacts on invaded ecosystems and societies.  For instance, if there are lags in the population growth of an Session:  Working Group Session 3 Tuesday Working Group Session 4 Tuesday Room Assignment:  Eastside - Rainbow Fireside (75)

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER