Colorado mountains

Site Science

Long-Term Sound Recording in the Florida Everglades

Poster Number:  184 Presenter/Primary Author:  Colby Leider Prior work describes the need for long-term ecological monitoring of a environmental data from a variety of sensors. Recent studies by Maher et al.

δ13C and δ15N of particulate organic matter in the Santa Barbara Channel: drivers and implications for trophic inference

Poster Number:  183 Presenter/Primary Author:  Robert Miller We investigated the extent to which temporal variation in the stable isotope composition of suspended particulate organic matter (POM) was explained by phytoplankton biomass and production at a sou

Water-nitrogen effects on fine-root production in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland

Poster Number:  182 Presenter/Primary Author:  Josh Haussler Arid lands comprise approximately 40% of the Earth's land surface, and contribute 30-35% of the terrestrial net primary productivity.

Ocean Acidification: Assessment Of pH in the Channel Islands National Park and its Effect on Sea Urchin Fertilization

Poster Number:  181 Presenter/Primary Author:  Lydia Kapsenberg Ocean acidification, the decline of seawater pH as a direct result of anthropogenic CO2 dissolving into surface oceans, is expected to affect the marine ecosystem of the Channel Islands

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER