Colorado mountains

Patterns and frequency of site disturbances

Disturbances often shape ecosystems by periodically reorganizing or destroying them, allowing for significant changes in plant and animal populations and communities.

Ecological impacts of a major oil sands pipeline spill into the Kalamazoo River (Michigan)

Poster Number:  235 Presenter/Primary Author:  Micaleila Desotelle One of the largest oil sands (tar sands) spills from a pipeline occurred on the Kalamazoo River of southwest Michigan two years ago in July 2010.

Sea level, current, and surface wave variability at the Moorea Coral Reef LTER site

Poster Number:  233 Presenter/Primary Author:  Libe Washburn As part of the Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research project we are examining the effects of sea level, surface gravity wave, and current variability on the coral reef ecosystem of Moorea

A long-term ecological study site for urban watershed in China

Poster Number:  225 Presenter/Primary Author:  Shen Yu A long-term ecological study site for urban watershed is recently setup in Xiamen, China.

The Luquillo LTER Program

Poster Number:  223 Presenter/Primary Author:  Nicholas Brokaw The Luquillo LTER Program (LUQ) focuses on understanding long-term change in tropical ecosystems and the consequences of change for ecosystem services.

From site science to network science: using cyberinfrastructure to translate lake sensor data into ecological knowledge

Poster Number:  218 Presenter/Primary Author:  Cayelan Carey Synthesizing sensor data to conduct network science, i.e., science that transcends the boundaries of individual ecological observatories, is technologically, organizationally, and socially challeng

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER