Colorado mountains

Marine Ecology

Identifying alternative indicators for the detection of abrupt transitions in ecosystems: a consideration of time scale and community parameters

Working Group Reports Final reports:  2012 LTER ASM workshop report_final.pdf As climate change continues to accelerate, many ecosystems are poised for frequent abrupt and irreversible transitions (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005).  In order to enhance prediction a Session:  Working Group Session 3 Tuesday Room Assignment:  Wind River A (100)

Communicating LTER Science Part I and II

Working Group Reports Final reports:  Comm Sci Working Group Report for LTER ASM 2012.pdf Participant list:  Attendees Communicating LTER Science WG Sessions 1 and 2.pdf The LTER 30-year review identified improving communication of LTER science as a high priority. Session:  Working Group Session 1 - Monday Working Group Session 5 - Wednesday Room Assignment:  Ruesch Auditorium - Sweet (50)

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER