Influence of resource gradients on soil microbial communities of a polar desert |
Kevin Geyer |
Site Science |
07/03/12 |
21 |
Blue carbon in freshwater marshes on the barrier islands of Virginia |
Emily Adams |
Site Science |
07/05/12 |
22 |
Effects of urban stormwater infrastructure on dissolved nutrient export from semi-arid, urban watersheds |
Rebecca Hale |
Site Science |
07/05/12 |
23 |
Edaphic Factors affect the abundance and activity of ammonia oxidizing microbes in Soils at Coweeta LTER |
Jeff Norman |
Site Science |
07/05/12 |
24 |
Scale, Consumers and Lotic Ecosystem Rates (SCALER) |
Janine Rueegg |
Other |
Cross-site Science |
07/05/12 |
25 |
Interactive Visual Analytics Promotes Pattern Discovery in 50-year Record of Cone Production in Upper-slope Conifers of the Pacific Northwest |
Tuan Pham |
Site Science |
07/05/12 |
26 |
Long-term nitrogen enrichment affects the structure of soil fungal communities |
Eric Morrison |
Site Science |
07/06/12 |
27 |
Nitrogen cycling “hotspots”: An approach for watershed scale assessments |
Peter Baas |
Site Science |
07/07/12 |
28 |
Mass Loss: A Quantitative Synthesis Of Leaf Decomposition In Streams And Rivers |
Jennifer Follstad... |
Other |
Cross-site Science |
07/09/12 |
29 |
The future of forests: it's who and what you know. |
David Kittredge |
Site Science |
07/09/12 |
30 |
Thresholds of change in decomposition rates along a dune/swale transect on Virginia’s barrier islands |
Dominic Graziani |
Site Science |
07/09/12 |
31 |
An Ice Storm Manipulation Experiment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire |
John Campbell |
Site Science |
07/10/12 |
32 |
SEVILLETA LTER: Pulse dynamics in aridland ecosystems at multiple spatial and temporal scales |
Scott Collins |
Site Description |
07/11/12 |
33 |
Using physiological samples to measure stress in American pikas |
Jennifer Wilkening |
Site Science |
07/11/12 |
34 |
Re-defining Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) for Complex Terrain: A Case Study from the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest |
Fox Peterson |
Site Science |
07/11/12 |
35 |
Sustainable seagrass restoration in the Virginia Coastal Bays: assessment of sediment and water qualities |
Alia Al-Haj |
Site Science |
07/11/12 |
36 |
Greenhouse gas emissions from small streams in a lake-rich landscape: the importance of incorporating methane |
John Crawford |
Site Science |
07/12/12 |
37 |
Spring Phenology of Aquatic Emergence and Terrestrial Insect Activity in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA |
Christina Murphy |
Site Science |
07/12/12 |
38 |
High-resolution monitoring of long term changes in physical limnology in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica |
Hilary Dugan |
Site Science |
07/13/12 |
39 |
Geomorphic Controls over Nutrient Cycling in Playa Wetlands |
Owen McKenna |
Site Science |
07/13/12 |
40 |