Soil aggregates and organic matter dynamics in short, medium and long term cover crops based land use system
Poster Number: 172 Presenter/Primary Author: Wakene Chewaka Introducing cover crops to corn and soybean cropping systems have both ecological and agricultural benefits.
Root Production in Annual and Perennial Agroecosystems: Implications for Carbon Storage
Poster Number: 152 Presenter/Primary Author: Christine Sprunger Agriculture has a tremendous ‘ecological footprint’ as it is a leading contributor to carbon dioxide emissions, and other potent greenhouse gases.
The effect of cover crop biomass on row-crop yields in a rotational system is mediated through topographical features
Poster Number: 130 Presenter/Primary Author: Juan Munoz The use of cover crops provides important benefits to soil quality and row-crop production in rotational agricultural systems.
Microbes, moisture, and metabolic activity: Is there a soil moisture threshold for microbial activity?
Poster Number: 121 Presenter/Primary Author: Sarah Placella Growing evidence suggests that climate-driven changes in precipitation regulate microbially mediated ecosystem processes, such as CO2 flux from soils to the atmosphere.
Comparison of chamber and eddy covariance CH4 fluxes using a new “open path” gas analyzer
Poster Number: 109 Presenter/Primary Author: Terenzio Zenone Traditional measurements of CH4 fluxes are made with static chamber techniques and/or with closed-path eddy covariance (EC) systems.