Colorado mountains

Site Science

Expanding observations of mixing in Toolik Lake with the North American Regional Reanalysis

Poster Number:  230 Presenter/Primary Author:  bemery The ecology of Toolik lake depends ultimately on the the properties which govern nutrients, light and primary production.

Separate Effects of Flooding and Anoxia on Soil Biogeochemistry and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Poster Number:  229 Presenter/Primary Author:  Gavin McNicol Soils are large sources of atmospheric greenhouse gases, and their magnitude and composition is strongly controlled by soil redox conditions.

Changes in ecohydrology following the conversion of mesic grassland to shrubland

Poster Number:  228 Presenter/Primary Author:  Jesse Nippert Shrub encroachment of grasslands is a transformative ecological process by which native woody species increase in cover and frequency and replace the herbaceous community.  The mechanisms driv

Low-level nitrogen and phosphorus addition drives hypolimnetic oxygen drawdown in deep Arctic Lakes

Poster Number:  227 Presenter/Primary Author:  William Daniels Increased nutrient transport from the landscape to freshwater ecosystems is likely a secondary effect of global change in the Arctic (Hobbie 1999).  Long-term, whole-lake fertilization experim

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER