Soil Science
Ecological Homogenization of Urban America
Meeting of investigators involved in an NSF Macrosystems Biology Program funded project. We need to meet on Tuesday, September 11 from 4 - 6 and are requesting a room for this meeting. Session: Ancillary Working Group Session 3 - Tuesday Room Assignment: Ruesch Auditorium - Hobbs (50)
Comparison of in-situ methods to measure N mineralization rates in forest soils
Poster Number: 259 Presenter/Primary Author: Peter Groffman Nitrogen mineralization is a critical ecosystem process that is difficult to measure.
Soil biogeochemical processes in hydropedologic units in a northern hardwood forest
Poster Number: 258 Presenter/Primary Author: Peter Groffman As part of a hydropedologic study of a forested catchment in Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (New Hampshire, USA), we investigated the connections between hydropedologic units and soil biogeochem
The Watershed Approach in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study
Poster Number: 250 Presenter/Primary Author: Peter Groffman In the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES), we are conducting long-term watershed studies to provide a basis for comparison of urban ecosystems with other ecosystem types within the LTER netowrk and to
Ecological Homogenization of Urban America
Poster Number: 249 Presenter/Primary Author: Peter Groffman Urban, suburban and exurban ecosystems are important and increasing in the U.S. An apparent, but functionally untested result of urban land use change is homogenization across cities, where n