Aquatic Ecology
LTER and STREON synergies and opportunities: Next generation questions in stream ecological research
STREON (STReam Experimental and Observatory Network) is an experiment within NEON unprecedented in scope, which will address compelling questions related to basic stream ecological structure and fu Session: Working Group Session 3 Tuesday Room Assignment: Longs Peak - Granite Pass (85)
The impact of climate forcing on the phenology of ecological processes in the North Temperate Lakes
Poster Number: 264 Presenter/Primary Author: Jacob Walsh Recent studies have shown that physical processes and biological communities are impacted to varying degrees by global climate change.
How invaded is our lakescape?: Systematic surveys indicate biases in existing invasion records
Poster Number: 253 Presenter/Primary Author: Alexander Latzka Numbers of ecological invaders in North America are increasing exponentially, and their impacts on native ecosystems and economies are increasing.
The Watershed Approach in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study
Poster Number: 250 Presenter/Primary Author: Peter Groffman In the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES), we are conducting long-term watershed studies to provide a basis for comparison of urban ecosystems with other ecosystem types within the LTER netowrk and to
Ecological Homogenization of Urban America
Poster Number: 249 Presenter/Primary Author: Peter Groffman Urban, suburban and exurban ecosystems are important and increasing in the U.S. An apparent, but functionally untested result of urban land use change is homogenization across cities, where n