Colorado mountains

Site Science

Coweeta Listening Project: Recent Past, Active Present, Future Visions

Poster Number:  93 Presenter/Primary Author:  Seth Gustafson This poster explains the origins, current activities, and future vision for the Coweeta Listening Project (CLP).

Ecological modeling – Lessons from ecological informatics and modeling research of Harvard Forest - LTER site

Poster Number:  92 Presenter/Primary Author:  Ahmed Hassabelkreem The biggest challenge of conservation is the availability of current data about the state of populations, communities and ecosystems.

Jornada Basin Schoolyard LTER: Inquiry-Based Ecology Education for the K-12 Community

Poster Number:  91 Presenter/Primary Author:  Stephanie Bestelm... More than 102,000 people have participated in the Jornada Basin schoolyard LTER’s hands-on ecological science programs since 1999 thanks to an effective collaboration between three entities that ru

Transport of Warm Upper Circumpolar Deep Water onto the Western Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf

Poster Number:  90 Presenter/Primary Author:  Doug Martinson Five thermistor-moorings were placed on the continental shelf of the western Antarctic Peninsula (between 2007 and 2010) in an effort to identify the mechanism(s) responsible for delivering warm Up

Recovery from chronic and snowmelt acidification at Hubbard Brook: Long-term trends in stream and soil water chemistry

Poster Number:  89 Presenter/Primary Author:  Colin Fuss We investigated long-term chemistry trends in streamwater (1982-2011) and soil water (1984-2011) along an elevation gradient to evaluate the progress of recovery from the effects of acidic depositi

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER