Colorado mountains

Spatial and temporal distribution of populations selected to represent trophic structure

A population is a group of organisms of the same species. Like canaries in the coalmine, changes in populations of organisms can be important indicators of environmental changes.

Legacy effects of an ecosystem stress experiment on a shortgrass-steppe consumer community

Poster Number:  256 Presenter/Primary Author:  Paul Stapp In a classic experiment of the US IBP Grassland Biome Studies, nitrogen and water were added singly and in combination over a 5-year period (1971-1975) to replicated 1-ha plots of shortgrass steppe

How invaded is our lakescape?: Systematic surveys indicate biases in existing invasion records

Poster Number:  253 Presenter/Primary Author:  Alexander Latzka Numbers of ecological invaders in North America are increasing exponentially, and their impacts on native ecosystems and economies are increasing.

Visitor willingness to pay U.S. Forest Service recreation fees in New West rural mountain economies

Poster Number:  238 Presenter/Primary Author:  Catherine Keske This study evaluates visitors’ stated willingness to pay (WTP) to recreate at Colorado “Fourteeners”, peaks that rise above higher than 14,000 feet.

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER