Colorado mountains

Wetlands Ecology

Promotion of Population of Emission Factors in the IPCC Emission Factor Database

The primary goals for this session are to familiarize participants with work of the IPCC National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Programme, identify potential data contributions for estimating GHG Session:  Working Group Session 3 Tuesday Room Assignment:  Ruesch Auditorium - Dodge (50)

Identifying alternative indicators for the detection of abrupt transitions in ecosystems: a consideration of time scale and community parameters

Working Group Reports Final reports:  2012 LTER ASM workshop report_final.pdf As climate change continues to accelerate, many ecosystems are poised for frequent abrupt and irreversible transitions (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005).  In order to enhance prediction a Session:  Working Group Session 3 Tuesday Room Assignment:  Wind River A (100)

Blue carbon in freshwater marshes on the barrier islands of Virginia

Poster Number:  22 Presenter/Primary Author:  Emily Adams Recent research has shown that wetland systems play an important role in carbon sequestration.  The concept of sequestration in tidal systems has been termed “blue carbon.”  The vast majo

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER