Colorado mountains

Ecosystem Ecology

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid induced mortality of eastern hemlock influences timing and magnitude of streamflow from headwater catchments in the southern Appalachians

Poster Number:  383 Presenter/Primary Author:  Steven Brantley Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.), an important evergreen canopy species in the southern Appalachian Mountains, is currently experiencing widespread mortality from hemlock wool

Detecting the sensitivity of desert herbaceous plant responses to co-occurring atmospheric compounds

Poster Number:  379 Presenter/Primary Author:  Elizabeth Cook Cities occupy a small land area globally, yet atmospheric compounds generated from human-dominated ecosystems have significant impacts on protected lands within and beyond urban boundaries.  D

Effects of increased snow on growth response and allocation patterns of arctic plants

Poster Number:  368 Presenter/Primary Author:  Claire Addis Warming in the Arctic has led to an increase in shrub cover on the tundra and has been well documented in arctic Alaska.

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER