Colorado mountains

Plant Ecology

Effects of increased snow on growth response and allocation patterns of arctic plants

Poster Number:  368 Presenter/Primary Author:  Claire Addis Warming in the Arctic has led to an increase in shrub cover on the tundra and has been well documented in arctic Alaska.

Long-term dynamics of plant species richness due to fertilization are explained by dominance of one functional group

Poster Number:  295 Presenter/Primary Author:  Tim Dickson Nutrient deposition is viewed as a global threat to plant biodiversity because nutrient addition can quickly decrease plant species richness.  However, fertilization took 14 years to significa

Local-scale plant species richness and the regional species pool

Poster Number:  293 Presenter/Primary Author:  Kevin Wilcox Plant community structure has been shown to impact ecosystem function. However, these effects vary among ecosystems, data collection techniques, and across spatial and temporal scales.

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER