Colorado mountains


Hydrochemical response of alpine watersheds to snowmelt.

Poster Number:  176 Presenter/Primary Author:  Danielle Perrot This study explores the stream hydrochemical response to snowmelt in alpine environments in the context of variable source area (VSA) dynamics and nitrate.

StreamChemDB: a web-accessible stream chemistry database

Poster Number:  173 Presenter/Primary Author:  Sherri Johnson The USDA Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges (EFR) network and the National Science Foundation’s Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) sites have been collecting stream chemistry data in

Climate Change, Permafrost Melt, and Increased Nitrate Export, Green Lakes Valley, Colorado

Poster Number:  171 Presenter/Primary Author:  Mark Williams Alpine ecosystems are particularly susceptible to disturbance due to their short growing seasons, sparse vegetation, thin soils, and a harsh climate.

Hydrologic flowpaths and biogeochemical cycles in the subalpine Como Creek catchment, Colorado Front Range, USA

Poster Number:  161 Presenter/Primary Author:  Rory Cowie An outstanding question for snowmelt-dominated watersheds of the western US are the responses of biogeochemical processes to two major drivers of environmental change: directional changes in climat

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER