Colorado mountains


Waterbirds in the Plum Island Sound Estuary, Massachusetts: Historical trends and current patterns

Poster Number:  350 Presenter/Primary Author:  Robert Buchsbaum Because they are highly mobile and migratory, the presence and activity of birds in a region is a reflection of both local and global trends.

Plum Island Ecosystems LTER

Poster Number:  270 Presenter/Primary Author:  Anne Giblin The Plum Island Ecosystems LTER (PIE) in an integrated research, education and outreach program whose goal is to develop a predictive understanding of the long term response of watershed and estuar

High Frequency Monitoring of the Quantity and Quality of Dissolved Organic Matter Flux Between Salt Marshes and Plum Island Sound, MA

Poster Number:  242 Presenter/Primary Author:  Yong Zhao Salt marshes are highly productive continental margin ecosystems, due to abundant solar radiation, water, and nutrients provided by tidal water.

Understanding the contribution of natural and anthropogenic factors to low dissolved oxygen in rivers of the Ipswich River Watershed

Poster Number:  207 Presenter/Primary Author:  Joshua Cain Low dissolved oxygen (D.O.) is an important water quality concern affecting fish populations in the Ipswich Watershed, draining to the Plum Island Estuary in northeastern MA.

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER