Grass-shrub interactions in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem: can vegetation structure predict state-transitions?
Poster Number: 154 Presenter/Primary Author: Nate Pierce State transition from perennial grassland to woody plant domination is synonymous with land degradation and desertification in many arid and semiarid ecosystems.
Improving the understanding and scaling of land-atmosphere carbon, water and energy exchange in a Chihuahuan Desert shrubland at the Jornada Experimental Range, Southern New Mexico.
Poster Number: 111 Presenter/Primary Author: Aline Jaimes Arid and semiarid ecosystems represent about 40% of the world’s land cover and are home of about 35% of the world’s human population.
Jornada Basin Schoolyard LTER: Inquiry-Based Ecology Education for the K-12 Community
Poster Number: 91 Presenter/Primary Author: Stephanie Bestelm... More than 102,000 people have participated in the Jornada Basin schoolyard LTER’s hands-on ecological science programs since 1999 thanks to an effective collaboration between three entities that ru
Density fractionation and 13C reveal changes in soil carbon following woody encroachment in a desert ecosystem
Poster Number: 58 Presenter/Primary Author: Kate Lajtha Woody encroachment has dramatically changed land cover patterns in arid and semiarid systems (drylands) worldwide over the past 150 years.
Long-term soil water dynamics across a desert basin: Broad-scale climatic drivers and local heterogeneity
Poster Number: 49 Presenter/Primary Author: Michael Duniway In arid and semiarid ecosystems, plant community composition and production is primarily limited by soil water availability. Soil profile development and soil-vegetation feedbacks can influen