The impact of stormwater control structures on N fluxes in a coastal watershed.
Poster Number: 244 Presenter/Primary Author: Neil Bettez Humans have significantly altered the landscape in urban areas resulting in increased volume and velocity of runoff following precipitation events.
Towards Closing Watershed Nitrogen Budgets: Incorporating Spatial and Temporal Scaling of Denitrification
Poster Number: 240 Presenter/Primary Author: Jonathan Duncan Closing the nitrogen budget is a major scientific challenge at multiple scales. One of the largest sources of uncertainty is the amount lost via denitrification.
Governance of 21st Century Sustainable Cities: A Study of Stewardship Networks in Baltimore and Seattle
Poster Number: 201 Presenter/Primary Author: Michele Romolini
The Baltimore Ecosystem Study: From Sanitary to Sustainable City
Poster Number: 131 Presenter/Primary Author: Steward Pickett The Baltimore Ecosystem Study has focused on fundamental questions of ecosystem structure and function during its first two funding cycles. Building on this foundation, the project is evolvin