Colorado mountains

Population Studies

Management Intensity and Litter Chemistry Interact to Determine Microarthropod Succession Patterns during Decomposition

Poster Number:  338 Presenter/Primary Author:  Kyle Wickings Microarthropods play an important role in plant litter decomposition, and variation in the structure of their communities may lead to considerable variation in decomposition dynamics.  As a re

Response of rangeland grasshopper communities to cattle and prairie dog grazing

Poster Number:  333 Presenter/Primary Author:  Sean Hauser Novel rangeland management strategies seek to benefit ecosystem services and biodiversity in semiarid grasslands by manipulating the distributions and densities of herbivorous ecosystem engineers,

Adélie Penguin Colony Size and Local Population Extinction: A Predation-Induced Tipping Point

Poster Number:  328 Presenter/Primary Author:  William Fraser Adélie penguin research in the Palmer LTER (PALTER) region has historically focused on five island rookeries that at the inception of investigations in 1974 held 15,202 breeding pairs.  During

Microclimate driven by complex terrain predicts within-season movement by a migrant songbird

Poster Number:  315 Presenter/Primary Author:  Sarah Frey Hadley Current predictions about species sensitivity to climate change are primarily based on ‘bioclimatic envelope models.’ These models assume that species either shift their geographic ranges to match

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER