Climate change communication: what should the conversation be about?
Do we as LTER scientists have an obligation to talk about climate change with policymakers, land managers, and other decision makers? If so, what should we talk about, and how should we talk about it? Recent research into public learning about climate change suggests that dissemination of climate science alone is inadequate to make the broader impact we might argue we have been charged with. Coupled with insights from philosophy, social science, communication theory, and educational theory, it seems increasingly clear that merely debating or disseminating the science (the facts of the matter) may be fruitless and distracting at worse, or only an incomplete approach at best. Given the logic by which people reach policy decisions and the underlying motivation behind so-called climate science deniers, it seems wise to begin discussing how to think about climate change communication afresh. Where does that leave us? How might these cross-disciplinary realizations impact our climate science and the communication of that science? How can we engage with our stakeholders for meaningful discussion and action on climate change? Join us for an interactive session and deep dialogue on these questions. Please note that there are a few short articles posted for background reading.