Colorado mountains

administrator - u1's tweets

Did you get your LETR hat from Bob Waide? We have your hat at the administration building later today @2012lterasm #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Newbies to #lterasm years 45 weeks ago
Thanks: NSF! Program Committee! LTER Network Office! Schneider Group! YMCA! For all your help! @2012lterasm #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Really, the #lterasm hiatus was his fault? @2012lterasm years 45 weeks ago
Scott Collins up now @2012lterasm #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Are you here? #RueschAud #lterasm years 45 weeks ago
#lterasm Don't forget to vote for your favorite Lightning Round Slides by 0830 today! Ruesch Auditorium @2012lterasm5 years 45 weeks ago
@2012lterasm #lterasm Your poster can be hung in the assembly hall near Ruesch — 5 years 45 weeks ago
International folks don't forget George needs information from you. Find him at either Admin Bldg or the Assembly Hall @2012lterasm #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
The theme plenary will be presented by Dr. Ellis. Join every one in Ruesch Auditorium at 0900 — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER