Colorado mountains

administrator - u1's tweets

Rice cropping requires cooperation between the the farmers #stevelansing #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Balinese irrigation tunnel builders since 896 bc #stevelansing #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
World Heritage with UNESCO Tri hita karana #stevelansing #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
The whole picture is cumulated knowledge dispersed to those who need and require it to survive #stevelansing #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Balinese had a schedule govt introduced new rice new bugs eat rice govt says use pesticides #stevelansing #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
How are the Balinese rice paddies diff from Dutch shallow lakes? #stevelansing #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Tipping points: shallow lakes non linear remove the fish reduce the fertilizer and the lake clear up - #stevelansing #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
UNESCO proposal for the Balinese #stevelansing #lterasm years 45 weeks ago
J. Steven Lansing anthropology professor presenting a talk on the Balinese @2012lterasm #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Clarification : Poster number not location numbers and it's EVENs tonight #poster #mixer #lterasm — 5 years 45 weeks ago
Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER