Winners of the Trivia and Photo Contests
Trivia Contest
Renee Brown from the SEV-LTER was the winner of the ASM trivia contest. Scott Collins was a close second.
Photo Contest Winners
The Overall Photo Contest Winner
Sarah Placella (Photographer/director) from the KBS-LTER was the overall winner of the ASM Photo contest with the entry of "It's fun to work for the "l-t-e-r"!":
Winner also in the "Scenery Category" was Nicholas Weller from CAP-LTER with the "Bear Lake" photo:
Winner in the "Wildlife (non-elk)" category was a close "Caterpillar on log" by Theresa Valentine at AND-LTER:
And winner in the "Elk" category was "Crazy Elk" by Cecilla Tomasei from MCM-LTER, although it was fairly silly as well.