Microstegium vimineum is associated with changes in nitrogen availability and fluxes across a broad landscape
Poster Number: 397 Presenter/Primary Author: Tara Ursell
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid induced mortality of eastern hemlock influences timing and magnitude of streamflow from headwater catchments in the southern Appalachians
Poster Number: 383 Presenter/Primary Author: Steven Brantley Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.), an important evergreen canopy species in the southern Appalachian Mountains, is currently experiencing widespread mortality from hemlock wool
Using geospatial data and field investigations to monitor effects of climate change on birds and amphibians: Leveraging a NASA Innovations in Climate Education (NICE) grant and LTER core data to train undergraduates in conducting ecological research
Poster Number: 377 Presenter/Primary Author: Jeff Hepinstall-C... Four faculty at the University of Georgia (two PI’s on CWT LTER) have teamed to train undergraduate students in conducting ecological research through a NASA Innovations in Climate Education (NICE,
Comparing 25 years of land cover and population change in the southern Appalachians
Poster Number: 373 Presenter/Primary Author: Jeff Hepinstall-C... Substantial population growth has been observed over the past 30 years in the Southern Appalachians.
The Role of Behavior in Influencing Headwater Salamander
Poster Number: 307 Presenter/Primary Author: Kristen Cecala Evolutionary theory predicts that animals have evolved to move in resposne to a suite of cues that maximize animal survival and growth while minimizing risk of injury or mortality.