2012 LTER ASM - Plant-Animal Interactions
Arctic LTER: Food Web Synthesis
<p>ARC LTER researchers will meet to continue work on a synthesis of food webs across aquatic and terrestrial environments.</p>
<div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-wg-organizer">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Organizer: </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/users/lgough" title="View user profile.">Laura Gough</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-preferred-date">
<div class="field-label">Preferred date(s): </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
Sept 11 </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-duration">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Number of 2 hour sessions requested: </div>
1 </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-equipment">
<div class="field-label">Equipment requested: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
LCD projector </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-terms">
<div class="field-label">Terms of submission: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
I agree </div>
<div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-wg-session">
<div class="field-label">Session: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<a href="/sessions/ancillary-working-group-session-3-tuesday">Ancillary Working Group Session 3 - Tuesday</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-session-room">
<div class="field-label">Room Assignment: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
Ruesch Auditorium - Dodge (50) </div>
Community Ecology
Ecological Modeling
Plant-Animal Interactions
Ancillary meetings
Fri, 31 Aug 2012 22:01:23 +0000
517 at http://asm2012.lternet.edu
The effects of surrounding habitat on plant, pollinator, and plant-pollinator interaction richness and abundance
<div class="field field-type-computed field-field-poster-number">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Poster Number: </div>
352 </div>
<div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-poster-presenter">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Presenter/Primary Author: </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/users/vpfeiffer" title="View user profile.">Vera Pfeiffer</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-poster-authors">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Co-Authors: </div>
Julia Jones </div>
<div class="field-item even">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-Authors: </div>
Matt Betts </div>
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-Authors: </div>
Andy Moldenke </div>
<p>Montane meadows comprise less than 5% of the landscape of the western Cascades of Oregon, but they provide habitat for diverse species of plants and pollinators.</p><div class="field field-type-text field-field-poster-student-poster">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Student Poster: </div>
Yes </div>
<p><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/content/effects-surrounding-habitat-plant-pollinator-and-plant-pollinator-interaction-richness-and-a" target="_blank">read more</a></p>
Site Science
Population Studies
Spatial and temporal distribution of populations selected to represent trophic structure
Biological Diversity
GIS/Remote Sensing
Landscape Ecology
Plant-Animal Interactions
Fri, 31 Aug 2012 21:55:33 +0000
516 at http://asm2012.lternet.edu
Regional Consequences of Changing Climate-Disturbance Interactions for the Resilience of Alaska's Boreal Forest
<div class="field field-type-computed field-field-poster-number">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Poster Number: </div>
337 </div>
<div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-poster-presenter">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Presenter/Primary Author: </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/user/12154" title="View user profile.">Roger Ruess</a> </div>
<p>Rapid environmental change in interior Alaska over the past century has altered the interrelationships among physical, biological and social drivers of the regional system.</p><p><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/content/regional-consequences-changing-climate-disturbance-interactions-resilience-alaskas-boreal-fo" target="_blank">read more</a></p>
Site Science
Core Research Areas
Disturbance Patterns
Landscape change
Patterns and frequency of site disturbances
Patterns of inorganic inputs and movements of nutrients through soils, groundwater and surface waters
Biological Diversity
Community Ecology
Disturbance Ecology
Ecological Complexity
Ecological Modeling
Ecosystem Ecology
Landscape Ecology
Plant-Animal Interactions
Social Science
Vegetation Ecology
Wetlands Ecology
Fri, 31 Aug 2012 17:12:03 +0000
501 at http://asm2012.lternet.edu
The Konza Prairie LTER Program: Grassland Dynamics and Long-Term Trajectories of Change
<div class="field field-type-computed field-field-poster-number">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Poster Number: </div>
308 </div>
<div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-poster-presenter">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Presenter/Primary Author: </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/user/10368" title="View user profile.">John Blair</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-poster-authors">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Co-Authors: </div>
Sara Baer, John Briggs, Walter Dodds, Keith Gido, John Harrington, David Hartnett, Anthony Joern, Don Kaufman, Alan Knapp, Jesse Nippert, Brett Sandercock, Melinda Smith </div>
<p>The Konza Prairie LTER program (KNZ) is a comprehensive ecological research, education and outreach program, centered on one of the most productive grasslands in North America – the tallgrass prair</p><p><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/content/konza-prairie-lter-program-grassland-dynamics-and-long-term-trajectories-change" target="_blank">read more</a></p>
Site Description
Core Research Areas
Pattern and control of organic matter accumulation in surface layers and sediments
Pattern and control of primary production
Patterns and frequency of site disturbances
Patterns of inorganic inputs and movements of nutrients through soils, groundwater and surface waters
Spatial and temporal distribution of populations selected to represent trophic structure
Aquatic Ecology
Community Ecology
Ecosystem Ecology
Habitat Preservation/Restoration
Plant Ecology
Plant-Animal Interactions
Range/Grazing Ecology
Social Science
Wed, 29 Aug 2012 15:35:36 +0000
471 at http://asm2012.lternet.edu
Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research Program: Overview of FCE III
<div class="field field-type-computed field-field-poster-number">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Poster Number: </div>
283 </div>
<div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-poster-presenter">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Presenter/Primary Author: </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/user/9849" title="View user profile.">Evelyn Gaiser</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-poster-authors">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Co-Authors: </div>
Michael G. Rugge </div>
<p>The Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research (FCE LTER) site is located in South Florida, where the expansive coastal Everglades wilderness interacts with an urban and agricultural </p><p><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/content/florida-coastal-everglades-long-term-ecological-research-program-overview-fce-iii" target="_blank">read more</a></p>
Site Description
Coastal Systems
Core Research Areas
Pattern and control of organic matter accumulation in surface layers and sediments
Pattern and control of primary production
Patterns and frequency of site disturbances
Patterns of inorganic inputs and movements of nutrients through soils, groundwater and surface waters
Spatial and temporal distribution of populations selected to represent trophic structure
Animal Behavior
Animal Ecology
Animal Physiological Ecology
Animal Population Biology
Animal Systematics
Aquatic Ecology
Atmospheric Science
Behavioral Ecology
Biological Diversity
Chemical Ecology
Community Ecology
Computer Science
Conservation Biology
Disturbance Ecology
Ecological Complexity
Ecological Modeling
Ecosystem Ecology
Environmental Economics
Environmental Education
Environmental Law
Environmental Policy
Environmental/Resource Management
Estuarine Ecology
Forest Ecology
GIS/Remote Sensing
Habitat Preservation/Restoration
Human Ecology
Information Technology
Invertebrate Biology
Landscape Ecology
Marine Ecology
Microbial Ecology
Nutrient Fluxes
Plant Ecology
Plant Physiological Ecology
Plant Population Biology
Plant Systematics
Plant-Animal Interactions
Population Biology
Population Genetics
Range/Grazing Ecology
Social Science
Soil Science
Statistical Ecology
Theoretical Population Biology
Trace Gas Fluxes
Vegetation Ecology
Wetlands Ecology
Wildlife Biology
Mon, 27 Aug 2012 16:15:20 +0000
446 at http://asm2012.lternet.edu
Effects of increasing shrubs in arctic tundra on associated arthropods and migratory songbirds
<div class="field field-type-computed field-field-poster-number">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Poster Number: </div>
54 </div>
<div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-poster-presenter">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Presenter/Primary Author: </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/users/lgough" title="View user profile.">Laura Gough</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-poster-authors">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Co-Authors: </div>
Natalie Boelman </div>
<div class="field-item even">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-Authors: </div>
John Wingfield </div>
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-Authors: </div>
Jesse Krause </div>
<div class="field-item even">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-Authors: </div>
Shannan Sweet </div>
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-Authors: </div>
Matthew Rich </div>
<div class="field-item even">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-Authors: </div>
Ashley Asmus </div>
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-Authors: </div>
Team Bird 2010-2012 </div>
<p>In areas across the Arctic, shrubs are becoming more abundant, altering habitat for consumer species.</p><p><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/content/effects-increasing-shrubs-arctic-tundra-associated-arthropods-and-migratory-songbirds" target="_blank">read more</a></p>
Site Science
Landscape change
Spatial and temporal distribution of populations selected to represent trophic structure
Community Ecology
Plant-Animal Interactions
Fri, 20 Jul 2012 15:06:09 +0000
120 at http://asm2012.lternet.edu
Greenfall production by animals in the Chihuahuan Desert influences decomposition by altering litter quality and distribution
<div class="field field-type-computed field-field-poster-number">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Poster Number: </div>
19 </div>
<div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-poster-presenter">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Presenter/Primary Author: </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/users/janegsmith" title="View user profile.">Jane G. Smith</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-poster-authors">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Co-Authors: </div>
Heather L. Throop </div>
<p>Most leaf inputs into aboveground litter pools occur after plant resorption of leaf nutrients during senescence, thus reducing the concentration of decomposition-limiting nutrients like nitrogen (N</p><div class="field field-type-text field-field-poster-student-poster">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Student Poster: </div>
Yes </div>
<p><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/content/greenfall-production-animals-chihuahuan-desert-influences-decomposition-altering-litter-qual" target="_blank">read more</a></p>
Site Science
Movement of Organic Matter
Pattern and control of organic matter accumulation in surface layers and sediments
Ecosystem Ecology
Plant-Animal Interactions
Soil Science
Tue, 03 Jul 2012 15:41:09 +0000
66 at http://asm2012.lternet.edu
Communicating LTER Science Part I and II
<fieldset class="fieldgroup group-wg-reports"><legend>Working Group Reports</legend><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-wg-reports">
<div class="field-label">Final reports: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="filefield-file"><img class="filefield-icon field-icon-application-pdf" alt="application/pdf icon" src="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/sites/all/modules/filefield/icons/application-pdf.png" /><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/sites/default/files/Comm Sci Working Group Report for LTER ASM 2012.pdf" type="application/pdf; length=70564">Comm Sci Working Group Report for LTER ASM 2012.pdf</a></div> </div>
<div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-wg-participants">
<div class="field-label">Participant list: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="filefield-file"><img class="filefield-icon field-icon-application-pdf" alt="application/pdf icon" src="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/sites/all/modules/filefield/icons/application-pdf.png" /><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/sites/default/files/Attendees Communicating LTER Science WG Sessions 1 and 2.pdf" type="application/pdf; length=42683">Attendees Communicating LTER Science WG Sessions 1 and 2.pdf</a></div> </div>
<p>The LTER 30-year review identified improving communication of LTER science as a high priority.</p><div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-wg-organizer">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Organizer: </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/users/sdailey1" title="View user profile.">Susan Dailey</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-wg-co-organizer">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Co-organizer(s): </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/user/14384" title="View user profile.">Marcia Nation</a> </div>
<div class="field-item even">
<div class="field-label-inline">
Co-organizer(s): </div>
<a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/users/cneill" title="View user profile.">Chris Neill</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-preferred-date">
<div class="field-label">Preferred date(s): </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
Sept 10 </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-duration">
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="field-label-inline-first">
Number of 2 hour sessions requested: </div>
2 </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-equipment">
<div class="field-label">Equipment requested: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
LCD Projector, Microphone is possible for training exercises </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-comments">
<div class="field-label">Additional Comments: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
Chris Neill from PIE is also a co-organizer of these proposed working groups but the form did not allow me to submit his name in the space provided because it said it was an invalid user name.
We would like to conduct 2 sessions for this proposed working group - one on Monday and a second on Wednesday 9/12. We are inviting several science journalists to participate in this workshop that will work with us for activities on both of these days. The first proposed workgroup session will be oriented toward brainstorming and information sharing and the second workgroup session will be product oriented. </div>
<fieldset class="fieldgroup group-wg-materials"><legend>Working Group Materials</legend><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-wg-materials">
<div class="field-label">Related materials: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<div class="filefield-file"><img class="filefield-icon field-icon-application-pdf" alt="application/pdf icon" src="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/sites/all/modules/filefield/icons/application-pdf.png" /><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/sites/default/files/working-groups/wg-30/ASM 2012 Com LTER Sci WG Agenda.pdf" type="application/pdf; length=48943">ASM 2012 Com LTER Sci WG Agenda.pdf</a></div> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-wg-terms">
<div class="field-label">Terms of submission: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
I agree </div>
<div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-wg-session">
<div class="field-label">Session: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
<a href="/sessions/working-group-session-1-monday">Working Group Session 1 - Monday</a> </div>
<div class="field-item even">
<a href="/sessions/working-group-session-5-wednesday">Working Group Session 5 - Wednesday</a> </div>
<div class="field field-type-text field-field-session-room">
<div class="field-label">Room Assignment: </div>
<div class="field-items">
<div class="field-item odd">
Ruesch Auditorium - Sweet (50) </div>
<p><a href="http://asm2012.lternet.edu/working-groups/communicating-lter-science-part-i-and-ii" target="_blank">read more</a></p>
Animal Behavior
Animal Ecology
Animal Physiological Ecology
Animal Population Biology
Animal Systematics
Aquatic Ecology
Atmospheric Science
Behavioral Ecology
Biological Diversity
Chemical Ecology
Community Ecology
Computer Science
Conservation Biology
Disturbance Ecology
Ecological Complexity
Ecological Modeling
Ecosystem Ecology
Environmental Economics
Environmental Education
Environmental Law
Environmental Policy
Environmental/Resource Management
Estuarine Ecology
Forest Ecology
GIS/Remote Sensing
Habitat Preservation/Restoration
Human Ecology
Information Technology
Invertebrate Biology
Landscape Ecology
Marine Ecology
Microbial Ecology
Nutrient Fluxes
Plant Ecology
Plant Physiological Ecology
Plant Population Biology
Plant Systematics
Plant-Animal Interactions
Population Biology
Population Genetics
Range/Grazing Ecology
Social Science
Soil Science
Statistical Ecology
Theoretical Population Biology
Trace Gas Fluxes
Vegetation Ecology
Wetlands Ecology
Wildlife Biology
Product oriented
Thu, 24 May 2012 20:10:38 +0000
30 at http://asm2012.lternet.edu