Colorado mountains

Elevational and Seasonal Dependence in Climate Change Within a Mid-latitude High Mountain System, Colorado Front Range, USA

Poster Number: 
Presenter/Primary Author: 
Jennifer Morse
Tim Kittel
Mark Williams
Kurt Chowanski
Todd Ackerman
Mike Hartman
Mark Losleban

We contrasted 59-year (1952-2010) climate records of two high-elevation sites in the Colorado Rocky Mountains Front Range, USA; one a subalpine forest (3021 m asl) and the other high alpine tundra (3739 m asl), to evaluate the degree of synchrony versus decoupling in their long-term climate trends. The sites, separated 6 km horizontally and 700 m vertically, exhibited significant annual and seasonal differences in the long-term trends in air temperature and precipitation. Annual average maximum air temperature (Tmax) increased in the subalpine (+0. 4ºC/decade), but did not change significantly in the high alpine, nor did annual air temperature minima (Tmin) at both sites. Monthly Tmax trends in the subalpine were positive throughout most of the year. The high alpine site’s seasonal Tmax and Tmin trends were more complex, with muted warm-season positive trends, switching to negative in early winter (October-December). While annual total precipitation did not change significantly in the subalpine, it increased in the high alpine (+59 mm·yr-1·decade-1); this increase came nearly entirely in the cold season (October through April). Over the cold season period, these changes:

  1. Steepened air temperature and precipitation lapse rates, increasing the alpine-subalpine climatological contrast
  2. Altered air temperature and precipitation seasonal cycles, increasing warm-to-cold season contrasts
  3. Widened the diurnal temperature range, increasing day-to-nighttime temperature contrasts.

We hypothesize that, in the high-alpine, wintertime increases in snowfall altered the surface energy fluxes in ways that led to early-winter through early-summer air cooling tendencies which countered a regional warming signal.

On the other hand, subalpine Tmax and Tmin trends were poorly related to each other and to precipitation trends; we hypothesize instead that the subalpine Tmax amplified the regional signal, while subalpine Tmin trends were coupled to those of the high alpine via nocturnal downslope flows. We offer a conceptual model for climate change in winter-snow mountain regions, specifically for their highest reaches well above the snow meltline throughout the snowfall season; the model integrates the roles of regional and hemispheric forcing with surface energy budget responses and landscape linkages in creating contrasting and coupled responses across these high elevation domains.

Background Photo by: Nicole Hansen - Jornada (JRN) LTER